Professional profile
Opiniones de pacientes verificados
Opinión de
Xavier Vidal
Opinión de
Xavier Vidal
Todo por la pasta.
Opinión de
Francesc Cirera
Opinión de
Francesc Cirera
Man tractat molt be i per mi una gran profesionalitat n estic molt content
Opinión de
Andreu Ortiz
Opinión de
Andreu Ortiz
Atenció correcta però cada cop que hi anava em tocava un dentista diferent... Una de les quals em va punxar per anestesiar-me i vaig veure les estrelles!! Sense que ella li donés massa importància.
Opinión de
Éva Major
Opinión de
Éva Major
Edit: Good morning. Exactly. There was no incidence recorded as just for the inpatient assistant I would not do it. And back then I did not know that the cleaning was not well done. But as my gum problems worsen instead of improving, I visited another dentist one month later who told me that I need a dental cleaning and how come I did not get one before? Oh and I was abroad so my smallest problem was bigger than getting back to this clinic. But honestly, for the price of the 2 cleanings, I could have gone to any dentist. Later on, I forgot about this and did not leave any review. Until now, that my husband got another Groupon experience which was similarly disappointing.
I went for a dental cleaning via Groupon. It was absolutely not worth it even for the reduced price. The treatment was too fast, therefore very painful, poorly executed, aka I had to visit an other dentist one month later to clean well. The asistant was rude.
Opinión de
Xènia Esquerda
Opinión de
Xènia Esquerda
Econòmicament se'n va de mare i no tant sols això, per fer-me una neteja, em van "obligar" a fer-me una radiografia, fet que no m'ha passat enlloc. D'altra banda, l'amabilitat deixa bastant que desitjar, he acompanyat a la meva parella i quan no s'ha pogut fer el que volia per falta de recursos econòmics, el tracte ha estat una mica intolerable.
Si, ha estat un plaer parlar amb el Gerent de la vostra empresa. Hem consensuat alguns factors que crec important, així mateix, no us donaré la màxima puntuació ja que, com hem comentat per telèfon, el preu el continuo trobant desorbitat. Molt agraïda i molta sort!
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