Professional profile

  • Opiniones de pacientes verificados

    • 20/02/2019
      Opinión de
      Considero que els professionals d'aquesta clínica fan una feina excepcional a més de tenir un tracte exquisit amb el pacient. A mi m'han arreglat totalment la boca: amb implants i fundes. Em van assessorar prèviament i aconsellar molt bé sobre el que em convenia fer. A més, t'atenen de seguida si tens alguna urgència. Tot amb molta professionalitat i amabilitat. Destacaria en especial al Dr. Birbe i a la Dra. Campàs , que són els que m'han tractat i també a tot el personal de suport. Recomanaria sens dubte aquesta clínica dental.
      Opinión de
      Johnny Melville
      I was very satisfied with the service of Clinica Birbe in every way. They were kind, friendly and very professional. Absolutely first class!
      Opinión de
      Peter Jakobsson
      I attended Clínica Birbe for quite a complex wisdom tooth removal after being referred by my local dentist and I'd like to record my thorough satisfaction with the treatment I received there. While receiving medical intervention is not exactly everybody's idea of recreation, I would actually say it was an enjoyable experience in this case - particularly as I left feeling a lot healthier than when I went in ! All the staff I encountered were welcoming, professional & confident and medically speaking I could not be more pleased with the result which was successfully followed up within a couple of weeks to check on healing progress. I would therefore not hesitate to recommend this clinic to anyone who feels they may have a challenging dental problem needing attention. Moltes Gràcies !
      Opinión de
      Chris James
      In one word: BRILLIANT! I would absolutely recommend Birbe Clinic and Dr Birbe. I had been considering different clinics for a long time and I am so glad that I chose these guys. The team here are extremely warm, really kind and helpful. This was combined total understanding and excellent care from Dr Birbe...anyone considering using Birbe Clinic should not hesitate to do it: top class. Always willing to respond to email questions, very professional, friendly and efficient. They made the whole process super enjoyable and uncomplicated. Thank you again.
      Opinión de
      Ruben Martinez
      Good service. Professional and warm. I entrust this clinic as best in Barcelona. Maxilo. Dentistry and orthodoncy. All five stars service
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